Paternal Mental Health
Pregnancy, birth, and loss impact more than just women—fathers and partners can also experience significant emotional challenges. Research indicates that approximately 1 in 10 fathers experience postpartum depression, and between 5-15% may develop anxiety disorders, including generalized anxiety disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and post-traumatic stress disorder, either during pregnancy or within the first year after birth.
Support Groups & Peer Support
Postpartum Support International Dad Support Group: And online group for dads to connect, providing information, education, and group talk time.
Dads with Wisdom: a network for men on their journey through Fatherhood. Whether you're waiting for your first, cradling your newborn, or adding another addition to your team, Dads With Wisdom is a league to call your own.
Fertility and Family Building for Men: Hosted By AllPaths, a New England based non-profit provide the psychosocial support, resources, and advocacy.
Online Resources
Providence Boot Camp for New Dads: Taught for fathers, by fathers, Boot Camp enables new dads to step up to the tremendous challenges of being a dad and feel confident bringing the new baby home. Inperson at Providence in Anchorage.
Sad Dads Club: Helps fellow bereaved fathers navigate life after loss by nurturing a supportive community and providing access to mental health services.
Postpartum Support International Help for Dads: PSI's resource page for fathers
PSI Video Testimonials: Videos from fathers who experienced Postpartum Anxiety and Depression
Boot Camp for New Dads: A unique father-to-father, community-based workshop that inspires and equips men as they navigate their transformation into dads.
Guys and Grief Podcast: A podcast created to provide community and support for fathers like us who have experienced pregnancy or infant loss.